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ISO 27701 - Privacy Information Management System

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Privacy is important, and we all know it. There is no point in complaining about lawmakers and current flaws in privacy regulations. What we know for a fact is that one way or another, business negligence in protecting Personal information will be picked up by customers, consumers and the public. So, this is more a matter of brand and liability to the community rather than compliance.

A few days ago, I was doing this presentation about ISO 27701 as the Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) standard and its value in streamlining multi-privacy obligations.

I also discussed how Secure Forte, a Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management platform, can help companies identify their role and context toward privacy across the organisation and its crown jewels.

The platform can be utilised to frequently assess and improve current privacy capabilities against ISO 27701 as the privacy standard and regulations such as GDPR, UK data privacy, CCPA and Australian Privacy Principles, and assess their suppliers’ privacy posture as PII processors based on their impact on your crown jewels.


For press comments or additional information, please contact

Mani Amini at Secure Forte


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